Friday, August 05, 2011

choosing colors with copics

thoughts on thighs?

trying to keep with a new-school color theme, brights!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

MONDAY is shoe day.

Here's a foot mugshot for you. 

And a super bright shot from the side so you can appreciate the stiletto (and ankle chains)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

monday is shoe day.

i know its tuesday, but yesterday was a mess with work!
i didn't get a lunch due to being overbooked all day with clients, so i picked up some pho @ pho vy, came home and ate, showered, and slept.
Im sorry :(
But here you go, a new pair of dream shoes, (when my new cc gets here i think these may be the first purchase.... jeffery campbells)

Part of the fall 2011 Jeffery Campbell collection

Saturday, July 16, 2011

When you get a chance

listen to CHet Faker, No Diggity
It's the sexiest cover I've ever heard.
It's great for hanging around in bed on a rainy morning :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

red and black

I normally wear black, or nude, or variations of grey.
Today I chose red shorts, I think they look really good with black. 
(Don't you?)
And It's looking way less hardcore than I thought it would with tattoos.

Monday, July 11, 2011

This is my first logo!

I'm a licensed aesthetician by trade, and I moonlight as an artist. This is the first thing I was hired to create ever. It's  a logo for a synthetic light system that grows indoors, it's amazing, and when the website is up I will post a link. But for now, you can enjoy this rough sketch :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Monday is shoe day.

And I haven't quite figured out how to post pictures of shoes from the net.
Heres a pair from my personal collection.
They're .... awesome. *sigh*
(And so comfy)

Open toe booties, the best runway to real-way concept ever. 
(Right after beach hair and white eyeliner)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have a MAC now!
It's my first piece of techno equipment ever and I love it, I'm almost too scared to use it for fear of getting it dirty, scratched, or breaking it somehow.
My sales guy was GREAT!!  He also teaches mac lessons all the time for us people who are coming from a PC world.
Can I say something about PCs? BOOOOOOOO .I mean they do *something* but not anything like  a mac.
My mac was made for me. He's laser water jet sculpted from one solid piece of aluminum,
He self adjusts to surrounding environments.
He has a 15 inch ultra amazing quality screen that BLOWS MY MIND.
He's just great I can't say enough about it.
Ready to go as soon as he's out of the box.
Self backs himself ups.
He has cool apps that i can install...

Sunday, June 19, 2011


And I'm posting early because I'm leaving for the Lake for the day and have to work tomorrow...
But THIS picture.... sums it up.

Feng Shui Chain Mail.

You know how you scrimp and save every penny so you can afford to have the things you want and then you always end up having to spend your savings on stuff, because you've been a poor art kid/student for so long?
And you know how you always wish you "had money" ?
And didn't have to worry about paying off your debt?

And then you found your dream job, and it's like, life couldn't get better. Then they tell you how much $ you'll make, and it gets better? (because now you get benefits too!!)
And then you start walking out of work daily with cash in your pocket, because you're so good at your job people tip you like crazy?

just when you thought it couldn't posibly get any better/cooler/sweeter/more awesome....
You get a phone call saying you are being sent a cheque for FIVE SIGNIFIGANT FIGURES .

I highly reccomend the next time you get a feng shui chain mail email you forward it.

Monday, June 13, 2011


And as always I am posting a picture of a pair of dream shoes....
Now that I have a job (that's right, a real, paying, job) I can afford to start purchasing shoes!
Not once a week like I do in my imagination... but I promise myself for my six-month work-i-versary that I am buying myself of Jeffery Campbell's.
Maybe a nude pair I can wear at the beach.
Like THIS.

Friday, June 10, 2011

It's been a long week.

I've had two parts of my three part interview at one of the most amazing buildings in the city, and I've been studying like mad!
Who would have thought I would do MORE counting as an esthetician than I did in advanced algebra?
Seriously, this is what a massage is for me.... "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,switch repeat, effleuarage1,2,3," etc, for sometimes more than an hour at a time!
Well this is what the building looks like... It's LEED PLATINUM you even know what that means? Well It's awesome, it's the most sustainable, anti-pollution building you can build. (and they have koi!)

Monday, June 06, 2011


And I want to get my industrial-on with these metal stud platforms that have Trick Paint all over them.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Thursday, June 02, 2011

WARNING: NOT for the health concious!

Wednesday is Hump Day (this means large meals,we need our energy)  it happens to co-incite with the first of the Stanley Cup playoffs.
And because I'm *such* a great girlfriend... I made my boyfriend this for dinner.

Home made fries. Because freezer fries are for Soccer Moms.

So worth the fire hazard!

Heart health? Not this time.

Hash-marks *make* the meal.

Champagne Bearnaise, because we can.

And will.

Blending yolks with all my fresh herbs and bubbly.

C'est Fin.

Oh, and to really finish off that meal...

Baked apples on a graham cracker crust.
This is the before picture, my camera died before I could take a picture of this fresh out of the oven. Just imagined it glazed in sticky brown sugar.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

I love it when...

..when some of my favorite things go on sale at the art supply store.
Everything here (except the two larger ink pads) was only a dollar!
How awesome is that?

I'm making green-themed cards.
They'll, of course, be blank,  so you can add your own words for any occasion.

Wall Groupings.

It's alot harder to hang a group of pictures on the wall than you'd think.
I suggest a roll of painters tape, a ruler, a pencil, hammer, nails, spare hands, and maybe a level, paper cut to the sizes of your picture frames, and a wall.

First play around with your ideas of arrangements, on the floor.
Second, tape your paper frames on your wall, make sure you measure the gaps in between the frames, these spaces are what helps the whole collage to become visually fluid, and appealing.

I like to put painters tape along the top of my paper frame and find the middle, mark it with the pencil, remove paper frame and nail to the top edge of the tape. You can take the tape off after you do a test run. Hang your pictures up there, check them out, do they line up? Does the shape catch your attention? Did you choose the right frames to showcase each photo?

WHEN you're happy with your arrangement you can take the tape off. I usually keep the paper frames on the walls for a few days to see if it looks right when I go through my daily routine. Sounds strange, but if it's not right, it will distract and annoy me and I'll end up with three times as many holes in my plaster walls.

See how the tops of each frame aren't lined up?
You may think "Ooo how eclectic" But that will drive you nuts, I promise.
Take the extra time to hang your pictures properly and it makes the world of difference.

ps- IF you have plaster walls... ask your boyfriend to help you with the hammer-ing/drilling or you may end up with a throbbing purple thumb.

Boyfriends New Fave!

My partner has a mouth that craves the Asian spices. I, personally, could do without.
We found a happy medium. I made Thai Style Grilled Chicken & Sesame Salad.

Gather your sauce ingredients.

Fresh Cilantro. We don't grow that stuff for nothing.

Whisk or blend your sauce.

Coat and grill chicken, indirectly.

Eat your greens.

Try to not break mugs in the process.

Saving this broken cup to grow flowers in.

Et voila! EAT! This is seriously the best chicken you'll ever eat. My boyfriend was sad when he found out I only made five thighs. Of course eat this with Asian-Slaw (any recipe will do, I just chop cucumber, shred carrot, celery, sprouts, and cilantro, I found some sesame dressing that was on sale and it goes on every watery veg you can think of! )

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hot Potato Salad

I hate potato salad. Ok I hate any "salad" that has four cups of mayonnaise added to it, and looks like a loaf of bread that's been expanded in dirty water. (this includes egg salad, ambrosia, and deviled eggs because they're basically a handheld version of the salad)

This "salad" has no mayo.
It has all the veggies you/I love, and a tangy amazing dressing that you'll want to eat with everything.

First you pickle you own spring onion, kosher style.

Baby or fingerling potatoes. Try a variation.

...mock fingerlings.

lightly steam and blanch your greens.

add something(s) fresh.

chop into bite size pieces.

fold it all together now.

add dressing** and pickled onions.

jazz up your plate with some homegrown burger lettuce.

Et voila! A literal bite of heaven. I served mine with stuffed soul.

** Dressing.
1/4 cup olive oil
1.5 tbsp white wine vinegar
1.5 tbsp grainy mustard
1 tsp Dijon
shake, shake, shake

Monday, May 30, 2011

Chevron Dresser.

I have a dresser similar but six drawered. three & three.
This would look amazing in my living room as a makeshift entertainment center.

They have the most amazing cheap re-dos you'll ever find, and they're so well done!
